15 Jun 2023 by Ben Rinehart

For the fall, the ladies will will require a gray and blue practice shirt for all practices.

Our team culture is something I am very deliberate about talking with the players about every day. This weeks virtue is Positivity and Coach Kylee and I have been speaking with them about how individual and team positivity contributes to a winning team culture.

We work to instill this team first mentality in every detail. In order to achieve and maintain that mentality it must be a constant. Matching practice shirts drive that point home at every practice. The players will wear the gray practice shirts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Blues on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Attached are the designs for this season. These designs are for this seasons’ team only and will not be repeated. They are meant to be as special as we strive for this team to be.

The shirts are lightweight wicking performance fabric. The price per shirt is $12. Although that price may come down depending on qty. I will let you know when I have final order numbers. If price is a concern for anyone let me or Coach Kylee know privately and we will make sure it is taken care of. That’s why we’re here.

NOTE: N teams past, parents have opted to get two of each shirt to cut down on washing. They’d rather pay a little extra to not be washing shirts every two days. That is totally up to you.

I would like to turn this order in on June 26. Please you (or your player) let me know the size and qty of each blue and gray shirt you’d like for your player by June 24.

Coach Ben

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