One-On-One Player Meetings

3 Mar 2023 by Ben Rinehart

Beginning next week I will be meeting one-on-one with players at the pavilion by the field. I have set scheduled times I will ask the players to choose from. I recognize many of the players are busy with other activities and I fully support that. So I tried to spread it out over a week period and provide several options. That said I do want to meet sooner rather than later to let the players get to know me a little prior to beginning our spring and summer off season program.

I will be scheduling by class. I have already sent messages to the senior players. When I have their responses I will send to the junior players and so on. Please be monitoring TeamApp for notifications.

Next Steps: After meeting with the players I will meet with them all together (or as many can be available with conflicting schedules) as a team. After that I will then set up a parent meeting.

In the interim I will be attending the 300 Club Dinner on the 11th. If any of you are attending as well please come introduce yourself. I would love to meet as many of you as possible.

Let’s Go Blue!!!

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